101 OnLy ThE BeSt GaMeS 2
101 OnLy ThE BeSt GaMeS #2.iso
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Ordering Information
The Pickle Wars Trilogy is available from the following authorized
In the United States:
MVP Software
1035 Dallas SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49507-1407
phone: 800-968-9684 24-hour order line only
(616) 245-8376 information, technical support, or orders.
fax: (616) 245-3204
order price: $29.95 plus $3.00 shipping in the US, $4.00 shipping to
Canada, $5.00 shipping everywhere else. Michigan residents please add
appropriate sales tax.
In Australia:
9 Albermarle St
Newtown NSW 2042
phone: (02) 519-4233 Fax: (02) 516-4236
order price: $A45.00 (includes shipping)
In the United Kingdom:
Testware Publishing
46 The Avenue
Harrogate, N Yorks HG1 4QD
phone: (0423) 886 415 Fax: (0423) 889 728
order price: 30 pounds (includes shipping)
In Denmark and all of Scandanavia:
Benloese Skel 4 G
DK 4100 Ringsted
phone: 53 61 90 42
fax: 53 61 93 91
order price: 210,00 kr. + VAT 25% + s/h 25,00
In Japan:
P. & A. Company Ltd
302 Bellwins, 1367-23
Nakagami, Akishima
Tokyo 196
phone: 425-46-9141
fax: 425-46-9142
BBS: 425-46-9143
4500 yen includes shipping and taxes
Germany, Austria, and Switzerland
JDS -- Software Vertrieb
Jens Driese
Postfach 1269
phone: 04451-85743
fax: 04451-860500
CIS: 100273,2252
price: 49 DM (includes taxes) plus 6 DM shipping
The Netherlands
HaSa Software Applications
PO Box 414
9500 AK Stadskanaal
phone: 5990 50161
fax: 5990 50124
BBS: 5990 50212 or 50314 or 50232
CIS: 100115,542
price: Call for current price
Systems Comunicazioni srl
via Olanda
6 - 20083 Gaggiano
phone: (02) 9084 1814
fax: (02) 9084 1682
BBS: (02) 9084 1811
price: Lire 62.000 IVA inclusa
Name ________________________________________________________________
Address _____________________________________________________________
City _______________________________ State ______ ZIP _______________
Country (if outside USA) ____________________________________________
CIRCLE HD DISK SIZE: 5-1/4" -or- 3-1/2" IMPORTANT!
Price of Pickle Wars Trilogy $29.95
Shipping and Handling (US) 3.00
Shipping and Handling (Canada) 4.00
Shipping and Handling (all other countries) 5.00
Michigan residents add sales tax 1.32
Make check payable to "MVP Software" Total enclosed: $
Master Card/Visa information (credit card orders only)
Card number __________________________________________
Expiration number ____________________________________
VOLUNTARY QUESTIONS: Please help us determine what features you would like
==================== in future products.
Circle what type of equipment you have: 8088 286 386 486 Pentium
Circle the speed of your computer(Mhz): 12 16 20 25 33 40 50 66 ___
Circle any that apply: Joystick Mouse Modem_______ SVGA card____________
(speed) (type)
Sound Capability: Adlib Sound Blaster SB Pro SB 16 Thundercard
PC speaker only Other ____________________________________
Where did you get Pickle Wars?
Friend CompuServe AOL Prodigy Ryan's Bar Exec-PC Channel 1
WorldNet Invention Factory Sound Advice Space BBS
BBS (name): _______________________
Shareware Distributor (name): _________________________________________
Are you a game player? Please answer the following questions about what you
like and don't like in computer games.
Approx # of commercial games owned: ____ #Registered shareware games: ____
Circle preference: Beautiful Graphics Game Complexity
Circle preference: Solo against computer -OR- Modem 2-Player
Circle preference: Strategy Action Simulation Other_________
Long term game playability: Few Levels w/ hard difficulty Lotsa Levels
Send this order form and your check to:
MVP Software, 1035 Dallas S.E., Grand Rapids, MI 49507-1407
US or Canada 24-hour order line: 800-968-9684. Fax: 616-245-3204.
Tech support, information, or overseas order line: 616-245-8376.